Friday, 31 January 2014

Monitoring Post 31/01/2014

This week I had scheduled to complete the layout of each of my article pages and my front cover. Due to not being in on Mondays lesson I have not yet started my front cover however I will complete that to first draft in mondays lesson and in my frees on monday. I also planned to start adding secondary elements onto each of my article pages and I have started to do so by creating the mastheads, and adding introductory paragraphs onto each of my articles and headers, and page numbers. I had planned to create the documents for all of my products setting up page sizes, column widths and margins and I had completed this in the lessons last week so that meant I was on track to add my secondary elements as scheduled. I had also spent free periods on wednesday to add in layout boxes to show where I needed to place images and text ready to include the secondary elements in the last half of the week. My second photo shoot is today also therefore I will have images to work with when producing my first draft for my front cover and also it will mean that I can produce my contents page also as all of the images I am using on my contents page are taken from different articles therefore I will be able to produce a solid first draft. I will start full production of the front cover and contents page next week when I have some images from my photoshoots to work with. For homework this week I had scheduled to write my third article however due to the closure days last week resulting in less lessons for that week I had re-scheduled the writing of my second article to do over this week for homework, therefore that had a knock on effect of the writing of article three. I would complete the first draft of article two for homework during this week ready to input into the layout of the article when created during this week. I will then complete article three over the next week and in my free periods ready to input into the InDesign draft once first draft is completed. This week I also have other important deadlines in other subjects. My textiles coursework deadline is due in for friday therefore on a night time and in my free periods I will be concentrating on completing that work to conclude the unit as best as possible.  I feel that this week I have been quite productive also as I now have all of the documents set up with the layout boxes in place and the main elements such as masthead, introductory paragraph and basic layers included, this is giving me a good idea of how the pages will look. I will soon be able to input my images from my two photoshoots once they have been edited and the best selected for the articles. Next week I will be making a big start on the front cover to get the majority of elements included, and I will be starting the contents page as it will mainly rely on the images and I will have images from two photoshoots to input onto the page therefore it will start to come to life. I am happy with my progress of production so far.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Monitoring Post - 24/01/2014

This week I planned to write specific lists of the photographs and poses needed in each of my photoshoots in a ticked list form so that I could easily identify all images I need for my production. I completed the lists for each photoshoot I am doing in the first lesson of the week therefore I was happy with that. In the second lesson I planned to continue the photoshoot planning list in the first half of the lesson however I completed all of them before the lesson so it gave me more time to complete the other things I had scheduled. I had scheduled to start setting up my inDesign pages so they were ready to start production on them as soon as possible. I used the first 10 minutes of the lesson to finish off one of my photoshoots I had been doing the lesson before our media lesson, I completed the photoshoot then backed up all of the images in 3 different places to ensure they were safe. I had set up all of the pages with dimensions, columns and margins by the middle of this lesson so that meant I could move on and start including the boxes so I would know where everything is on the page ready to start inputting the text and images. By the end of the second lesson I had completed one double page spread with covering page with the text boxes ready to input my information. This meant that I was on track and happy to continue the start of production. In the third lesson I planned to continue setting up the indesign pages for the start of my production by adding boxes ready to input my material. I continued to do this throughout the lesson and completed the contents page and made some slight tweaks to the 3 page spread I did the lesson before. I was on plan with the start of my production. In the last lesson of the week I planned to complete my monitoring post and start to create contact sheets and manipulating the photographs taken in my photoshoot. I decided to do the monitoring post then continue with setting up the inDesign pages as I do not have the software at home to complete over the weekend whereas I can complete the contact sheets at home and start manipulating the photos at home also so I decided to change that to do as homework or in my possible free lessons ready for monday's lesson. I also planned to start reviewing the material from the photoshoot however I can also do that at home over the weekend.

I feel this week I have been very productive as I have completed majority of the work I wanted to complete and the things I have not managed to complete I have assigned to myself for homework as I cannot do certain things for homework if I do not have the software due to running over time.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

New Trends / Statement Pieces Article Info

In my content research log for this article I found the current trends for that month and season, so since then the trends and statement pieces have changed a lot. Therefore I went back online and found out about the new trends and statement pieces which are relevant for now and which I will be using for my real article. I used the same websites I used in my content research log however I have just collected the new information from them. On I found out about all the new trends and the ones I have chosen to feature in my article I have screen grabbed for research purposes. They are as follows;
  • Moody Blooms
  • Wanderlust
  • Razzle Dazzle
  • The Expose
  • Back to Mono
  • Come to the Crease

I also found a new website called to see what the new 2014 statement pieces are and I read into it to find which are the things every girl needs in their wardrobe and they are as follows;
  • Floral Fever
  • Pick of the Pastels
  • Collarless Coat
  • Sweater
  • Crisp White
  • Wide Leg Trousers
  • Something Blue
  • Boy Meets Girl
I will be using these trends and statement pieces in my article through the text and photography.

Statement Pieces Research - Structure


Statement Pieces Research - Moody Blooms

Moody Blooms

Statement Pieces Research - Collarless Coats

Collarless Coats

Statement Pieces Research - Pastels


Wednesday, 15 January 2014


8th Jan
1 Schedule Creation: This week I will be producing my schedule for the whole project. By making a schedule it will mean that I will not miss anything out which could be vital for the project and I will have everything documented and kept together so I know what to do and when it needs to be done by in order for the project to run smoothly and be finished before the deadline.

2 Schedule Creation: I will be continuing my produce my schedule throughout this lesson and I will be looking at creating realistic deadlines considering my other A levels and when other vital coursework is also due in as that could throw me off my schedule and would mean I could lack behind and miss out vital things. I will document other important deadlines to help keep me on track.

3: I will be finishing my schedule in this lesson and checking everything is in order and everything is included.

4: In this lesson I will complete my Project Monitoring. I will also be booking photo shoots for each article and my front cover and writing a list of props I will need for each photo shoot.

Homework 1: I will write a list of everything that needs to be uploaded to my blog and tick off what I have uploaded and what else needs to be uploaded.

Homework 2: I will complete anything that needs to be uploaded to my blog which I haven’t already completed.

Homework 3:

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Textiles Essay deadline
15th Jan
1 Mock Exam; I will start to write one of my articles, preferably key wardrobe pieces, and I will finish off/redraft my first closet confidential article. I will also scan in my call sheets and model consent forms which my models have completed and upload them to my blog. I will also complete my project monitoring in this lesson as this is the only lesson for this week.

Homework 1: I will continue to write some more of the article I previously started in the lesson this week and hopefully get the first draft completed.  I will redraft the article for homework in my spare time and free lessons over the next two weeks ready to place into my InDesign page once it has been set up. I will also be booking my photo shoots this week.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Textiles coursework practical work to make a start on due to feedback. Mock textiles exam this week. Leisure Studies mock exam this week also.
1 In this lesson I will be executing my individual photo shoots and planning out exactly what images I need to take in each session and what props I will need to use along with angles and poses. This will ensure that I get all of the images I am needing for my articles so that I do not have to re take some photographs, which will cause a delay for my production schedule. I will write a list for each photo shoot for each article and page so that I can tick it off as I go along.

2 I will be finishing the execution of my individual photo shoots for the first half of this lesson to ensure I have thoroughly thought it out against my flat plans and visions. In the second half of the lesson I will be setting up my InDesign pages to the dimensions I wish my magazine to be. I will also be setting up my column guides and margin guides so that the documents are ready to start production on when I have my material to input.

I will be using this lesson time for one of my photo shoots therefore I will do what I was meant to be doing for homework so that I keep on track.

3 I will be creating the layout for my InDesign pages using text boxes so I know where my material will be placed on the page. I will be experimenting and shuffling things around until they look how I want them to look, which could again be changed and moved slightly once the material has been placed in.

4 Project Monitoring & I will be creating contact sheets of the photographs I have taken this week in my photo shoot and I will be reviewing the photo shoot material and things that went good and bad. I will also start to edit some of my photographs using Photoshop changing the brightness and contrast, the filters and colour manipulation.

Homework 1: I will continue to manipulate and edit my photographs I have taken this week in my free periods at college, this is because I do not have Photoshop at home therefore will have to do as much as I can while at college.

Homework2: I will also export my images and store them in a number of different places so that I have access to them at any time and place and so that they do not get lost which will delay production.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Textiles Essay Deadline which will take up a lot of free time to finish and complete to a high standard and complete all feedback.

28th  Jan
1 In this lesson I will start to create my mastheads on my different InDesign documents for the different articles. I will also write the introductory sentence for each of my articles and play around with the few chosen fonts and colours to get the right look.

2 I will be setting up my front cover on Photoshop changing the margin guides and the size of the page. I will place the text boxes onto the page where I wish to put the different sell lines. I will also write my list of sell lines which I will put onto my front cover.

3 I will start to create the secondary elements for each page such as the backgrounds and the textures. I will then start to place in the images and the article and shuffle them until I get the look I am hoping for.

4 Project Monitoring & I will also continue in this lesson to create the secondary elements and placing things into the articles such as the main images so that I can start to build up the pages around the main elements.

Homework 1: for this week’s homework I will be writing my third article for Charity Shop Haul, this will take up quite a bit of my free time therefore this will be all the homework I will be completing for this week.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Textiles coursework deadline. This will take up a lot of my free time outside of college and free periods. Leisure Studies Essay first draft deadline.
5th Feb
1 This week I will be starting to create the first solid drafts of my articles. For this hour lesson I will be editing the closet confidential article which I previously made two drafts of for the previous unit. Due to my feedback I learnt that one page from each of my two articles were found strongest therefore the audience wanted me to place the two pages together. Therefore in this lesson I will be doing that and shuffling things so that it looks correct on the page.

2 I will be continuing to create the first drafts for my articles therefore for this lesson I will be placing together my images and body text for the key wardrobe pieces article.

3 For this lesson I will continue with first draft production of the key wardrobe pieces article.

4 Project Monitoring & starting to produce the first draft of my charity shop haul article. By the end of this week I hope to have finished 2 of the 3 first drafts of my articles.

Homework 1: Complete more production on my Key wardrobe pieces article so that it is completed in first draft form by the end of the week. It will be hard for me to do any homework involving production of my articles as I do not have InDesign and Photoshop outside of college so I will need to complete this in my free periods at college.

Homework 2: I will be making sure that I have used a continuous house style including fonts, colours and secondary elements. This is key when producing a magazine.

Homework 3:

Exams/other subject deadlines:

12th Feb

1 This week I will be focusing on the production of my contents page and my front cover. I will start with my front cover. I will have already set up the document and added in the secondary elements to the page therefore it will include me placing the masthead and sell lines onto the page and changing the fonts and colours. It should take me around 2 lessons to complete the first draft production of the front cover.

2 In this lesson I will continue with the production of the first draft of my front cover.

3 I will start with the first draft production of my contents page within this lesson. Again I would have already created the document and included the text boxes and secondary elements therefore it will be a case of placing the images which I will have from the different photo shoots and the body text to the page and shuffling with the layout and colours and fonts.

4 Project Monitoring & continuing with first draft production of my contents page. I hope to have the contents page and the front cover first draft production finished.

Homework 1: I will be starting to invite peer reviews from my class mates who fit in with my target audience. I will print each of the articles first drafts which I have created and ask people of their opinions.

Exams/other subject deadlines:

Half term

19th Feb

Homework: Complete Monitoring and make sure that blog elements are complete

26th Feb

Audience/Assessor Review Week

1 Create Audience review questionnaire

2 Teacher assessment of project

3 & 4 Complete prep work for evaluation E exam

Unit 5 Blog Deadline 25th

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Monitoring Post 14/01/2014

This week I planned to finish my schedule, and upload my planning documents to my blog. I also wanted to finish the planning documents which I had not completed for homework so that they were all finished. Due to the two closing days on thursday and friday we only had one two hour lesson this week and this would be used as a mock exam. Throughout the exam I had planned to write one of my articles ready to input once I had created the basic layout on InDesign, however I thought that this would be an inappropriate waste of my time at these very early stages and that I should complete the article for homework over the next week due to the days off on thursday and friday. I instead decided to finish my schedule during the two hours and upload it to my blog. I also thought I could upload some of my planning documents to my blog such as Model Release Forms and Photoshoot Plans. I successfully completed my schedule and uploaded that onto my blog and uploaded two photoshoot plans and had my model release forms completed by my models. These were then scanned in ready for uploading to my blog along with the other planning documents. Over the closure days, I plan to complete my Risk Assessments for my two locations, and complete my RECCE document, I will then upload them to my blog also to assist the other planning documents.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Photoshoot Plan 3

Statement Wardrobe Pieces

Photo shoot planning document

Date and time of photo shoot:

Material to be shot: Images of each of the models including full body shot, medium shot and close up shots, to show the different elements of the outfits they are wearing The models will be wearing different outfits to match the different trends within the article. I will also be taking my front cover shots in this photo shoot so they will be close up and extreme close up of Lauren Miller wearing a wide brimmed hat.

What personnel do you need?

Lighting assistant: N/A

Makeup assistant: Yes

Models: Livy Thompson, Lauren Archer, Lauren Miller

What props will you need? There will not be any props needed for this photo shoot as they are just simple shots however there will a lot of costume changes. There will be a wide brimmed hat used in the front cover half of the shoot which the model will be wearing in different ways.

Describe in detail your make-up & costume needs.
Makeup – The models will be wearing natural, every day makeup – no excessive eye makeup however their makeup will be touched up at the shoot so the makeup is not an important factor to the models. They will be wearing noticeable makeup however as it is a beauty and fashion magazine so that will be demonstrated in the images.

Hair – the models will have their hair worn down for this photo shoot with a natural look to it, they can either have their hair curled or straightened it is down to their own personal preference.

Clothing – For this photo shoot the models will be styled by myself at the shoot to match the different trend the DPS is about. They will have multiple outfit changes each. The model for the front cover will be wearing a classic shirt and using a wide brimmed hat to create a powerful, elegant look.

Studio shoots: what kind of lighting?

This photo shoot will use butterfly lighting as it is a flattering style of lighting and I want the lighting to be spread evenly across the photographs to create a professional studio finish with no shade.


The backdrop used for this image will be white as it is important that it allows all of the images to have even lighting, also white will complement the butterfly lighting allowing an even finish to the photographs and white will make the images look the most professional.

Lighting equipment needs:

For this photo shoot I will only need the three lights provided and set up in the studio and the flash lighting kit.

Photoshoot Plan 4

Additional Images Photo shoot

 Photo shoot planning document

Date and time of photo shoot:

Material to be shot: Images of Olivia both inside and outside on college grounds. Images of Olivia both full length and close up, also a few medium body shots. These images will be used to fill up gaps on my contents page and on the intro page for Charity Shop Haul Article.

What personnel do you need?

Lighting assistant: N/A

Makeup assistant: Yes

Models: Olivia Fox

What props will you need? There will not be any props needed for this photo shoot as they are just simple shots however there will be the use of a big flower headband as I will be editing a flower background on one of the shots and I want the headband to stand out.

Describe in detail your make-up & costume needs.

Makeup – Olivia will be wearing natural, every day makeup – no excessive eye makeup however their makeup will be touched up at the shoot so the makeup is not an important factor to her.

Hair – she will have their hair worn down for this photo shoot with a natural look to it.

Clothing – For this photo shoot Olivia will be wearing her own clothing which will be a dark coloured dress with no bright prints on, with a pair of black tights and any shoes, preferably boots. A leather jacket or faux fur coat is also asked to be worn however that is not important if the model has either as I will bring some to the set in case.

Studio shoots: what kind of lighting?

 This photo shoot will use butterfly lighting as it is a flattering style of lighting and I want the lighting to be spread evenly across the photographs to create a professional studio finish with no shade.

Backdrop: The backdrop used for this image will be white as it is important that it allows all of the images to have even lighting, also white will complement the butterfly lighting allowing an even finish to the photographs and white will make the images look the most professional.

Lighting equipment needs:

For this photo shoot I will only need the three lights provided and set up in the studio and the flash lighting kit.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Photoshoot Plan 1

Photo shoot planning document

Closet Confidential Article;

Material to be shot:

Series of photographs to collage of model for opening page. All in same position just changing pose and facial expression. Photographs of clothing, accessories. Other photographs of model, fun photos to show personality.

What personnel do you need?

Lighting assistant: 1

Makeup assistant: 1

Hairdresser: 1

Stylist; 1

Models: 1

What props will you need?

I will be needing clothing items and accessories to use as props, I will also need a tripod to enable my photographs for the collage are accurate.

Describe in detail your make-up & costume needs.

The makeup look I will be going for is simple, girl next door style. Plain makeup with eyeliner and simple eye shadow and a nude/pink lipstick. On some of the photographs there will be a change in lipstick colour and a red/darker colour will be used. The costume needs will be the models own clothing as the article is about their wardrobe and how they dress. For the collaged photographs the model will be wearing a plain top and jeans so it doesn’t distract the eye. In the other photographs the model will be wearing different outfits, a regular everyday outfit, a smart outfit and a going out outfit, to show development and change.

Studio shoots: what kind of lighting?

I will be using butterfly lighting for all of my images as I do not want shadows I want the photographs to look crisp and professional. I will be aiming for close up photographs like the middle one earlier shown and other photographs throughout the article will be full body shots and close ups as such.


I will be using a simple white backdrop for all of my photographs for this article as I want them to look like they are professional and shot in a studio and dressed with props as I wish.

Lighting equipment needs:

I will need a full flash lighting system to ensure my photographs look professional.

Photoshoot Plan 2

Charity Shop Haul

Photo shoot planning document
Date and time of photo shoot:

Material to be shot: Images of each of the models face on, full length to show their outfits but be close enough to show their whole outfit in detail so the audience can recognise the detail and fabrics.

Photographs on step by step to show the tutorials for up-cycling items. The props will be laid out on a table which will be covered in white paper to blend in with the backdrop.

What personnel do you need?

Lighting assistant: N/A

Makeup assistant: Yes

Models: Olivia Fox, Livy Thompson, Holly Wright , Nicole Arrowsmith

What props will you need? Some items which have been bought from a charity shop or up-cycled. I will need a table and some A2 white cartridge paper, some beads and sequins and a collar necklace. I will also need a pencil/pen and a pair of scissors, and a pair of black jeans.

Describe in detail your make-up & costume needs.

Makeup – The models will be wearing natural, every day makeup – no excessive eye makeup however their makeup will be touched up at the shoot so the makeup is not an important factor to the models.

Hair – the models will have their hair worn down for this photo shoot with a natural look to it.

Clothing – For this photo shoot the models will be allowed to wear their own casual clothing, however I have asked for them to wear at least one item they have purchased from a charity shop or have up-cycled.

Studio shoots: what kind of lighting?

This photo shoot will use butterfly lighting as it is a flattering style of lighting and I want the lighting to be spread evenly across the photographs to create a professional studio finish with no shade.


The backdrop used for this image will be white as it is important that it allows all props used to stand out on the table, also white will complement the butterfly lighting allowing an even finish to the photographs and white will make the images look the most professional.

Lighting equipment needs:

For this photo shoot I will only need the three lights provided and set up in the studio and the flash lighting kit.