Friday, 31 January 2014

Monitoring Post 31/01/2014

This week I had scheduled to complete the layout of each of my article pages and my front cover. Due to not being in on Mondays lesson I have not yet started my front cover however I will complete that to first draft in mondays lesson and in my frees on monday. I also planned to start adding secondary elements onto each of my article pages and I have started to do so by creating the mastheads, and adding introductory paragraphs onto each of my articles and headers, and page numbers. I had planned to create the documents for all of my products setting up page sizes, column widths and margins and I had completed this in the lessons last week so that meant I was on track to add my secondary elements as scheduled. I had also spent free periods on wednesday to add in layout boxes to show where I needed to place images and text ready to include the secondary elements in the last half of the week. My second photo shoot is today also therefore I will have images to work with when producing my first draft for my front cover and also it will mean that I can produce my contents page also as all of the images I am using on my contents page are taken from different articles therefore I will be able to produce a solid first draft. I will start full production of the front cover and contents page next week when I have some images from my photoshoots to work with. For homework this week I had scheduled to write my third article however due to the closure days last week resulting in less lessons for that week I had re-scheduled the writing of my second article to do over this week for homework, therefore that had a knock on effect of the writing of article three. I would complete the first draft of article two for homework during this week ready to input into the layout of the article when created during this week. I will then complete article three over the next week and in my free periods ready to input into the InDesign draft once first draft is completed. This week I also have other important deadlines in other subjects. My textiles coursework deadline is due in for friday therefore on a night time and in my free periods I will be concentrating on completing that work to conclude the unit as best as possible.  I feel that this week I have been quite productive also as I now have all of the documents set up with the layout boxes in place and the main elements such as masthead, introductory paragraph and basic layers included, this is giving me a good idea of how the pages will look. I will soon be able to input my images from my two photoshoots once they have been edited and the best selected for the articles. Next week I will be making a big start on the front cover to get the majority of elements included, and I will be starting the contents page as it will mainly rely on the images and I will have images from two photoshoots to input onto the page therefore it will start to come to life. I am happy with my progress of production so far.

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