Friday, 24 January 2014

Monitoring Post - 24/01/2014

This week I planned to write specific lists of the photographs and poses needed in each of my photoshoots in a ticked list form so that I could easily identify all images I need for my production. I completed the lists for each photoshoot I am doing in the first lesson of the week therefore I was happy with that. In the second lesson I planned to continue the photoshoot planning list in the first half of the lesson however I completed all of them before the lesson so it gave me more time to complete the other things I had scheduled. I had scheduled to start setting up my inDesign pages so they were ready to start production on them as soon as possible. I used the first 10 minutes of the lesson to finish off one of my photoshoots I had been doing the lesson before our media lesson, I completed the photoshoot then backed up all of the images in 3 different places to ensure they were safe. I had set up all of the pages with dimensions, columns and margins by the middle of this lesson so that meant I could move on and start including the boxes so I would know where everything is on the page ready to start inputting the text and images. By the end of the second lesson I had completed one double page spread with covering page with the text boxes ready to input my information. This meant that I was on track and happy to continue the start of production. In the third lesson I planned to continue setting up the indesign pages for the start of my production by adding boxes ready to input my material. I continued to do this throughout the lesson and completed the contents page and made some slight tweaks to the 3 page spread I did the lesson before. I was on plan with the start of my production. In the last lesson of the week I planned to complete my monitoring post and start to create contact sheets and manipulating the photographs taken in my photoshoot. I decided to do the monitoring post then continue with setting up the inDesign pages as I do not have the software at home to complete over the weekend whereas I can complete the contact sheets at home and start manipulating the photos at home also so I decided to change that to do as homework or in my possible free lessons ready for monday's lesson. I also planned to start reviewing the material from the photoshoot however I can also do that at home over the weekend.

I feel this week I have been very productive as I have completed majority of the work I wanted to complete and the things I have not managed to complete I have assigned to myself for homework as I cannot do certain things for homework if I do not have the software due to running over time.

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